Python Level 2


Full Course

$1308 USD
Before any discounts or coupons
for 18 hours

Class Description:

Python Level 2 builds on the foundations of Python to take your understanding to the next level. The course begins by reviewing Tkinter, a powerful Python library that enables the creation of graphical user interfaces, including shapes, images, text, and buttons. With Tkinter, you will learn how to visualize more advanced Python features such as classes, advanced functions, algorithms, and file input/output. Additionally, the course will introduce you to the basics of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and how they can be used to connect to external data sources. By the end of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge necessary to create a final project utilizing everything you have learned throughout the class.


Age 11+, Python Level 1 or Instructor Permisssion


Course Overview, Python Review

Reviewing the course progression, and reviewing importing files, VS Code, and Basic Python


Today we'll dive into object-oriented programming by learning to create our own classes

Operator Overloading

Discover how to overload standard Python methods for certain classes

Tkinter Canvas and Shapes

Learning about / reviewing Tkinter, including canvas, buttons, and binding

Classes with Tkinter (pt1)

Learning about classes in Python, using Tkinter as a way to visualize these concepts

DNA Project

Learning about classes in Python, using Tkinter as a way to visualize these concept

Classes with Tkinter (pt3)

Learning about classes in Python, using Tkinter as a way to visualize these concept

Concrete Data Types

In this lesson, we will be taking a look at some of the main data structures in Python that we can use to create other ways to store data.

Abstract Data Types

Learn how abstract data types can be used to represent a mathematical model for how to handle data.

Intro to Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Introduction to APIs and how to use them


Using an API to create our Weather project


Continue with the Weather API project

Time Complexity

Learning about Time Complexity and Big O notation


Review concepts learned in this course in preparation for Final Projects

Final Project Planning

Brainstorming our final projects, which will take us through the end of this course.

Final Projects

Continue working on final projects

Final Project Presentations

Wrapping up and presenting final projects