1-on-1 Tutoring
Elementary to College

Our tutors are computer science professionals and advanced degree students with a broad range of experience! We'll do our best to find an instructor who fits your schedule and learning goals, at a price that works for you. Submit a tutor request or sign up for a free trial class today!
1 on 1 tutoring for coding, math and english

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Computer Science & Coding Tutoring

Computer Science Tutoring Ranges From US$105 - US$225 per Hour*

*pricing depends on instructor and subject matter. Discounts available for packages of 10 or more lessons

Cornell University
B.S. Computer Science

Andrew T.

Language Spoken:
  • Python
  • Java
  • ACSL
University of New Brunswick
B.S. Computer Science

Zach R.

Language Spoken:
  • Block-based code
  • Javascript
  • Unity / C#
  • Java
University of Texas
B.S. Computer Science

Noah A.

Language Spoken:
  • Block-based code
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Java
  • SQL
Tufts University
B.S. Computer Science

Jennifer R.

Language Spoken:
  • C++
  • Python
  • Java
  • Block-based code
  • Unity / C#
Carnegie Mellon University
M.S. Software Engineering

Darin Y.

Languages Spoken:
English, Mandarin
  • C++
  • Python
  • Java
  • CCC Competition Prep
  • College Admission Advice
Carnegie Mellon University
M.S. Software Engineering

Jeric S.

Languages Spoken:
English, Mandarin
  • C++
  • Python
  • Java
  • ACSL
  • AP Computer Science

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STEM and English Tutoring

Tutoring in other subjects available on request!

Our tutors have experience in Math, English, Science, Robotics and more! Contact us by phone, email, WeChat, or by submitting the form above for more information. Any tutoring experience with us allows you to decide whether it feels like a good fit after the first lesson, before signing up for more sessions. If you have a tutoring request for a subject that we don't offer right now we'd love to hear about it.