ACSL Elementary


Full Course

$1000 USD
Before any discounts or coupons
for 25 hours

Class Description:

The American Computer Science League (ACSL) is the longest running computer science contest in the United States since 1978. Since 2020 the contest has been open to people online around the world. This prep course will allow students to review material, receive live instructions practicing past contests, and participate together as a team through KTBYTE.


Elementary Division: Age 8-12, Grades 3-6


Computer Number Systems (Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal)

We cover how to convert from decimal to other number systems (binary, octal, and hexadecimal) and back to decimal.

Computer Number Systems (Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal)

We discuss how colors are represented in computers through hex codes. We learn faster tricks to convert from binary to octal and hexadecimal and from octal and hexadecimal back to binary.

Computer Number Systems (Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal)

We review conversions between different bases and learn how to add and subtract numbers in different number systems.

Contest 1 Review / Working through Higher level problems

We review the concepts for this contest, including conversions between different bases, color codes, and arithmetic operations. We go over sample contest problems on number systems from upper divisions.

Contest 1 In-Class

Students can choose to take Contest 1 during today's lesson.

Prefix, Infix and Postfix Notation

We learn about prefix, postfix, and infix notation. We review the order of operations (PEMDAS) for infix and learn how that relates to prefix and postfix. We practice converting from infix to other notations and evaluating prefix/postfix expressions.

Prefix, Infix and Postfix Notation

We review how to evaluate prefix and postfix expressions. We go over practice problems for converting from infix to prefix notation or postfix notation. We introduce how to convert from prefix or postfix back to infix using information about the order of operations, which will help us convert between prefix and postfix.

Prefix/Postfix/Infix Notation

We will go over more practice problems to convert between prefix and postfix, being careful that we are preserving the order of operations in the original expression.

Prefix/Postfix/Infix Notation

Today will be the last class that we will be using to focus on Contest 2. I plan to allocate the first 30 minutes to a practice test, the next 15 minutes for reviewing the solutions to the practice test, and the last 15 minutes for introducing boolean algebra. If your child has already taken Contest 2, then I will have them read an article about boolean algebra. During the first 30 minutes of class, anyone reading this article will be able to send me any questions they have through the chat feature in GoToMeeting. By the end of the week, I would like everyone to have taken Contest 2 on HackerRank, though you technically have until March 7th to complete it.

Contest 2 In-Class

Students can choose to take Contest 2 during today's lesson. Anyone who prefers to take Contest 2 on their own time does not need to attend this session

Boolean Algebra

During this lesson we'll cover truth tables as well as not, and, and or operations. After today, students should feel comfortable answering the first three questions of any given Contest 3 practice test.

Boolean Algebra

Hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather outside! Today, I plan on teaching simplification techniques and tautologies.

Boolean Algebra

Today I will begin by reviewing the HW from last week. Then, I will quickly review simplification techniques as well as equality. Afterwards, students should know all material necessary to score a 5 on contest 3. Time permitting, we'll also have a competition where the top three highest scoring students will receive a shoutout in this chat :D

Boolean Algebra

Hi everyone! Today we'll begin by reviewing any questions that students might have. Afterwards, we'll have another competition with a set of new contest 3 questions!

Contest 3 In-Class

Students can choose to take Contest 3 during today's lesson. Anyone who prefers to take Contest 3 on their own time does not need to attend this session

Graph Theory

Today we begint to explor Graph Theory, which involves identifying some special kinds of graphs and calculating cycles and paths by hand.

Graph Theory

Contest 4 In-Class

Students can choose to take Contest 4 during today's lesson. Anyone who prefers to take Contest 3 on their own time does not need to attend this session

All Star Review